
Atoms & Molecules: Modelling the Atom

Atoms & Molecules: Modelling the Atom
Take a look at the structure of atoms and how they have been modelled over time! Students will be able to observe the crystal lattice structure of salt and the formation of ionic compounds as well as the models of the atom that have been used over human history. Students will also have the opportunity to construct atoms of the first 10 elements of the periodic table using their knowledge of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Curricular Connections

Grade 7 - Big Idea: Elements consist of one type of atom, and compounds consist of atoms of different elements chemically combined
Grade 9 - Big Idea: The electron arrangement of atoms impacts their chemical nature


Scientific Inquiry
Pattern Recognition
Communication and Collaboration
Physical Manipulation


Characteristics of Ionic Compounds

In the microscopic context of a salt cube, students will be able to walk around and observe the structure of an ionic compound. Students can grab specific atoms and observe the actual formation of an ionic compound between chlorine and sodium atoms. A teacher-led lesson will support students in understanding what causes the formation of an ionic compound as well as the common characteristics amongst ionic compounds.
Objective Description
Describing Ionic Compounds Students will recognize and describe the formation of ionic compounds and their characteristics.

Characteristics of Gas Particles

In the particle chamber, view the behavior of particles in a gas. As the in-experience teacher changes aspects of the gas, like its temperature and volume, students will identify the observable changes in the particles, including the number of collisions.
Objective Description
Observing Changes in Gas Particles Students will be able to describe the effects of temperature and volume on the behavior of gas particles and the number of particle collisions.

Historic Models of the Atom

In the particle chamber, students will observe the action of gas particles. From these particles, students will explore the different models of an atom from the billiard ball model to the Bohr model.
Objective Description
Identifying Models of the Atom Students will recognize and describe models of the atom used through history.

Atom Builder

Take an opportunity to manipulate subatomic particles to construct an atom in a safe environment! Students will be introduced to the structure of an atom and how to construct neutral atoms in an easy-to-learn and quick-to-master virtual environment while getting automatic and immediate feedback.
Objective Description
Construct Atomic Models Students will accurately construct Bohr models of the first 10 elements on the periodic table.

Atomic Appetite

After some practice in the Atom Builder, students will work together in small groups to build atoms once prompted by the experience. By sharing responsibilities, students can race against time - or their peers - to see how many atoms can be built accurately, gathering points by launching accurately constructed atoms into point-multiplying targets!